Checking in after a long year…

You don’t need me to tell you why this has been quite an interesting year (+). Suffice it to say we are all looking to move on and trend towards the new normal—whatever that may be.

I’m thinking of this as my “state of the union”. Where am I going? Where do I want to be going? Am I doing anything to make things happen? Oof.

I aspire to revolve my life around education; sharing, inspiring, motivating, etc. As a Professor and as a Dad, it is my job to hit that mark. As a member of my community, as a general participant in the human condition—I can do better. I hope to identify a handful of volunteer opportunities that I can make a difference with and perhaps in turn can fuel me mentally, emotionally, and creatively. Ideally, I can find some affinity between my volunteer work, my creative interests, and a yet-to-be-thoroughly-defined research track in which I can effect change, solve a problem, etc.

In the meantime, I’m also striving to find a balance between consuming and creating. There is so much out there to learn and discover—but I need to internalize it along the way and apply it rather than just consuming and then looking for more. Wait…did I also just identify a diet plan? Don’t get me started on that one… Perhaps turning these things around and sharing, teaching, creating, etc. will help me find that balance.

I’m narrowing my hobbies in an attempt to find quality and deeper experiences over quantity. I’m doing my best to find alignments in all the things I enjoy in an effort to find that tide that raises all boats. At the risk of mixing metaphors, there are too many rabbits holes in my life and I don’t know if I need to fill them and move on or embrace them and make bigger holes…to fill with a tide…to raise boats?…what?

All of this to say, look for more from me.

Gary Meacher

Creative Professional + Educator + Nerd

Methods and Tools That Keep Me Focused


Ideas ≠ New Ideas