Love Poems for People with Children

Love Poems for People with Children

I’m realizing now as I write this that I should keep track of where I get book recommendations from…

Love Poems for People with Children is a book that every human being needs to read—not just parents. Either you’ll die laughing (and/or crying) because someone out there knows EXACTLY how you feel as a parent or you’ll become a decent human being who now has more than a shred of empathy for people with children (I’m looking at you—guy who yells “someone shut that baby up” on airplanes and at restaurants).

Thank you John Kenney.

Here is a little excerpt teaser.

Who will be the first to get up?
3:42 a.m. and the baby is crying.

Who will get up first?
I know that you
know that I
am not asleep.
I'm just faking.

But I also know
that you know
that I know
that you are faking.

Because like me
you have developed the qualities
of an Academy Award-nominated
fake sleeper.

Who will break?

And then you say IF you get up, I'll show you my boobs.


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